Creation Kit - Gamebyro Notes


  • Time - Refers to frame sequence correlating with given keyvalues as a function of float time.
  • Keyvalue - Specifies sequential motion value; x units will moved through a given time specified in the NiFloatData and Controllers.
  • Forward / Backward - specify increase or decrease of keyvalue as a function of time t (movement along a curve). Negative values in one would effectively do the same as a positive values in the other.
  • Modification Order¹ - The hierarchy through which to sequentially apply the given property reference, similar to an identifier.
  • Key type:
    • Quadratic - Parabolic curvature
    • Linear - Linear curvature
    • TBC - 3D Curvature (not yet exacted)

¹In NifSkope this is an Unknown Int 32


  • Time - Refers to frame sequence correlating with given keyvalues as a function of float time within the length of time given in a controller.
  • Keyvalue - Specifies sequential motion value; x units will moved through a given time specified in the keyvalue time.


  • 3-variable modifier. Can be used to modify RGB emission values when combined with a color controller


  • Changes the positional value of a referenced modifier. This doesn't have to be spatial; it can be used as color modification data, for example.


  • Usage can modify span of time over which particles exist. Its absence in particle systems results in particles existing for the entire portion of the animation.


  • Texture rendering for special effects
  • Unknown Byte 1 seems to be a set of options, some of which affect the degree and manner of rendering (i.e. alpha, overlay, etc.)
  • Unknown Int 1 appears to modify a color option of the visualized node and the color render setting
  • Unknown Float 1 when paired with a standard NiAlphaProperty, describes the degree of transparency as projected from the player's view


  • Color modifier for BSLightingShaderProperty
  • Unknown Int 2 seems to be an identifier variable for NiControllerManager where controlled block data refers to specific controller nodes using this integer