Intermediate - Advanced Movers
In this tutorial we will focus on a few intermediate movers that are provided in Unreal Tournament.
To add any of these movers, right click on the mover button and select the desired type of mover.
This mover moves an actor along with it. That is, it has an attachment. To set up an AttachMover, first set up a basic Mover. Click this tutorial link if you do not know how: Basic - Basic Movers. Now follow these steps:
- Add a moveable object to the mover. This can be decoration, a dynamic light, etc. To make something moveable, go to its Advanced properties in the Actor Properties and make sure bMoveable is True and (often times) bStatic is False.
- In the AttachMover Actor Properties, extend AttachMover and set the AttachTag to the Tag of the actors to be attached. (Implying you can have multiple actors)
This mover keeps opened (or opening) as long as the EventInstigator stays within the trigger radius.
- Add a simple Trigger and set it up to target the AssertMover
- Set up the OpenTimes and CloseTimes in the AssertMover properties (under AssertMover)
- Under Object in AssertMover's Actor Properties, set the InitialState to either StandOpenTimed or AssertTriggerOpenTimed
This mover rotates continuously. All you have to do is go to the Movement properties and set its RotationRate to the rotation of your choice.
This mover triggers events based on its closing or opening key and depending on the user's configuration of it.
- Set up the KeyFrames for the mover
- Set up the events and times for the mover
- Set the InitialState to a GradualMover state under Object in the Actor Properties of the mover
This mover goes to certain KeyFrames depending on what ElevatorTrigger activated it. So if you wanted to go to Key A, set up a trigger to move it to Key A.
- Set up the KeyFrames for the mover
- Under Triggers in the Actor Browser, add an ElevatorTrigger for each KeyFrame
- Configure each ElevatorTrigger's MoveTime and GoToKeyframe value
- Set the ElevatorMover's InitialState (under Object in ElevatorMover's Actor Properties) to ElevatorTriggerGradual
This mover loops through its frames over and over. Just set this mover up like you would a simple Mover, just be sure to set its InitialState under its Object properties in its Actor Properties to LoopMove. Use a simple Trigger to enable or disable it.