Krein Expansion Pack II Delayed
My hard drive was corrupted and I had to send it to a data recovery lab. Development of the expansion pack will be delayed for about a month because I'll be away for a week in addition to that. However, I believe I can complete Expansion Pack II by September, so that it is released in late September after testing.
What Would Have Been in Krein - Expansion Pack 2
Based on current numbers it doesn't look like there's enough interest to continue development of Krein with a second expansion pack. If this somehow changes in two weeks then I'll have to change the title of this post. There is a precedent set where these kinds of mods receive an anniversary update, but I'm not sure that will happen, either --and even if it does, it wouldn't have as much content as an expansion pack. Regardless, here's what would have been in Expansion Pack II of Krein:
Krein Update V
The first public beta version of Skyrim: Krein has been released! Check the portal for details
Krein Update II
I figured I should rename the article headings now that the title has been released. It's true I'm terrible at estimating dates but I've never given up on a project I committed to. Based on posterior probability you should take this with a grain of salt, but I believe that beta testing for this Skyrim mod will begin around the end of this year (2019)
Krein Update I
It's been a very long time since I've posted here but the short story is that I'm far more confident now that I will be able to release and finish the Skyrim project I've been working on by the end of the year. Most likely it will be ready for open beta testing by the end of this summer. It has gone through various transformations through the months but its form has basically solidified and most of the level design is finished, which happens to be most of the work. If I were to give a guess I'd say it's about 70% done.