Kicking Off Changes
I would love to simply write out an entire library of Unreal Engine 1 tutorials but I don't have the time. However, they will be here eventually. Having said that, from here on out all the tutorials for UE1 will only be accessible on this website and not on any Youtube channel. What will be on the two Youtube channels is going to reflect a few changes. I will be getting back into Unreal Engine 3 and Creation Engine. If you would like to see a tutorial on UEd2, UDK, Creation Kit, etc. send a message on Youtube, the website, or my e-mail.
Zenith Update III
I'm about done with the ship remake, so check that off the list. I've been meticulously looking at file sizes ever since the beta because it was, admittedly and embarrassingly, inflated, as it were. Well, it was previously mentioned that the sound and music files were reduced in sized. In the OGG Vorbis format we can actually improve the quality and reduce size.
I'm going to begin scripting a configuration system that allows for only one intermission instance, instead of having duplicates. I think this will be much cleaner and it'll save a few dozen megabytes.
I just stayed awake through the entire night. Just added a new tutorial as well, check it out here. More tutorials are on their way!
By the way don't bother trying to register. Previously you couldn't anyway because I had not set up the mail server on this domain. You should be able to successfully sign up within a few hours as of 4/26/2014. Though there isn't much need to sign up anyway.