level design
Zenith Update VI + Looking for help
I'm laughing at the fact that I never fail to upset my own due dates. Certainly the patch is almost finished, with the exception of testing and some chunks of emptiness here and there. These will be finished over the fall but since I am trapped in a school semester with a very heavy load I might need some help. Obviously Clan [ES] has little interest in looking for help as a team, but the issue is that I am now the only one working on the patch. Not even sanic/D.G. is working on it. In my experience looking for designers of any kind is ineffective.
Zenith Update III
I'm about done with the ship remake, so check that off the list. I've been meticulously looking at file sizes ever since the beta because it was, admittedly and embarrassingly, inflated, as it were. Well, it was previously mentioned that the sound and music files were reduced in sized. In the OGG Vorbis format we can actually improve the quality and reduce size.
I'm going to begin scripting a configuration system that allows for only one intermission instance, instead of having duplicates. I think this will be much cleaner and it'll save a few dozen megabytes.
Zenith Update II
So, looking back at some of these maps as I'm scripting some new features and fixing some old ones gives me the feeling --or even the realization-- that a have a lot of work to do. That means good news and bad. The good is that there will be a lot more improvements than previously discussed. The bad is that it's going to cost me a lot more work. That said, I'm still expecting to release the update around mid-summer (the end of June, the beginning of July).
I just stayed awake through the entire night. Just added a new tutorial as well, check it out here. More tutorials are on their way!
By the way don't bother trying to register. Previously you couldn't anyway because I had not set up the mail server on this domain. You should be able to successfully sign up within a few hours as of 4/26/2014. Though there isn't much need to sign up anyway.
Zenith Update I
I've finally been able to set this site up completely. Now, down to business: the updates. I've thus far been able to hammer out approximately 200-250 brushes a day on the total remake of Mission 2.1. Of course, in retrospect, I highly regret releasing even the beta with the original Mission 2.1, which was actually rather old and one of the first fair single-player based levels I designed (fair with respect to the mean level of quality in single player maps as I myself have witnessed)